Small and friendly firm that attends to the individual needs of nationwide clients
If you’ve been charged with a criminal or traffic offence, you don’t have to face it alone. The outcome of your court case might be life changing, so give yourself the best possible chance with one of our traffic solicitors or criminal solicitors in Wembley.
Some of the cases we have successfully dealt with included conspiracy to commit robbery and firearm possession.
The ethos of F A Lee & Co is that every client will be treated equally, fairly and that we will endeavour to properly defend them regardless of the seriousness of the charge, their social standing or ethnicity, gender alignment or sexual orientation
You do not have to deal with any legal matter alone; you can always count on us.
F A Lee & Co Criminal Defence Solicitors
Room 14, 13 Quad Road, East Lane Business Park, North Wembley, Middlesex HA9 7NE
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